How does the Readwise to Notion export integration work?
To get started with Notion sync, select the Notion Export link from your Readwise Dashboard.
Once you configure the Readwise to Notion integration, Readwise will automatically synchronize all your highlighted documents to a database in Notion:
The first time Readwise syncs with Notion, a new table will be created in a private page of your selected Notion workspace. The process may take several minutes depending on how many books, articles, tweets, and highlights you have in your library. Feel free to close the export browser and move on to something else—the export will continue in the background. Also, once you're initially caught up, new highlights will automatically be synced to Notion periodically throughout the day.
What happens when I take new highlights? Will those automatically sync with Notion?
Yes! Whenever you import a new highlight into Readwise, it will be automatically exported to Notion without you needing to do anything. If the highlight is from a new book, article, or Twitter account, a new page in the Notion table will be made. If the highlight is from an existing book, article, or Twitter account, the highlight will be appended to the bottom of the existing page.
Can I add new properties to the Readwise table in Notion?
Can I move either the Readwise table or individual pages to another location in my Notion workspace?
If you'd like to move an individual page to another location and maintain the sync, you'll want to first make sure that the Readwise integration has access to the new location you're moving it to. You can do this by clicking into the "..." menu in the top right while viewing the intended destination page, going down to the Connections section and opening the "Connect to" menu, then searching for Readwise:
Can I rename the title of a book, article, or Twitter page in Notion?
Can I edit the text of a book, article, or Twitter page in Notion?
Can I make adjustments to the filters and views of the database?
Where does the Location link above each Kindle highlight take me?
If I edit or format an existing highlight in Readwise, or make a new note or tag to an existing highlight, will that change be updated in Notion?
How do I delete my Readwise table and start over?
- Delete the Readwise page in Notion
- Click the Trash section in Notion and delete permanently the Readwise page
- Restart the Notion integration within Readwise
How do I change the Notion workspace to export to?
All of your workspaces across different Notion accounts can be found in a dropdown menu in the Notion preferences page.
If you don't see the dropdown menu, make sure you're logged into the Notion workspace you want to connect to and re-authorize your Notion connection here: Notion login page
If you still don't see the dropdown menu, please try the steps below:
- In Notion, select Settings & Members in the left-hand panel > My Account > Log out of all devices
- Re-authorize your Notion connection with your selected workspace here: Notion login page
How do I disconnect my Notion account from Readwise?
You can disconnect your account from the Export page > select '...' > Remove connection: